
Divinely Succulent is my dream job come true! I worked for several years in an industry that was high stress, but paid the bills. My relaxation escape was to be outside working in my yard and and getting creative with my designs and plants. A few years back, with the drought here in Southern California getting worse and no real solution in sight, I decided to remove all the grass from our front yard and to replace it with a more water-wise landscape.  By this time I had already discovered an interest in succulents, and as so many more varieties were becoming available, it made sense to move forward with planting succulents and more native and water-wise plants. It was then that my passion for plants, and especially succulents, really blossomed.  


I hoped that at some point I would be able to turn my passion for plants into a new career.  That time has come with the creation of Divinely Succulent!  I love putting together unique succulent planters and want to be able to market them. But I also enjoy sharing that fun and creativity and decided a good way to introduce this to others was by offering a Succulent Planter Party package where I supply all materials needed to create a succulent planter, along with instructions on how to put it all together, and bring it to you! 


I truly hope you find something in my designs that you like or that inspires you, or if you are looking for something fun and different to try with friends, that you will consider booking a Succulent Planter Party.